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Soham Chatterjee

Bachelor Student Computer Science and Astronomy


Bachelor of Science in Astronomy

Leiden University | 2024 – 2027

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Leiden University | 2022 – 2025

Honours Bèta and Life Sciences

Dutch High School Diploma - VWO Gymnasium NT & EM

Stanislascollege Westplantsoen | 2016 – 2022

Plus-Track | Leiden University PRE-Class Psychology

Work Experience

Teaching Assistant at Leiden University

Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science | Mathematical Institute | 2024 – Present

  • Datastructuren (Fall 2024)
  • Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists 2 (Spring 2024)



Dutch (native), English (fluent), Bengali (native spoken)

Technical Skills

Coding: C/C++, Python, C#, SQL, Bash, LaTeX

Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, SQLite

Web Dev: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, React, NextJS, NodeJS, Flask

Other: Git CI/CD, PyTest, BoostTest, CUDA, Theoretical Computer Science

Soft Skills

Communication, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Critical Thinking


  • Red Cross First Aid - Advanced First Aid for Adults and Children (2024)
  • Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) - C2 with grade A (2021)


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